In today’s current economic climate there are so many reasons for people to be mad at their car insurance companies. The insurance companies all claim to have the best rate, but in comparison over the past 5 years in Arizona, rates for automobile insurance have never been higher. In fact, the dirty little secret that nobody cares to admit is that when car insurance companies start losing money due to bad investments, we insured drivers are the ones that foot the bill. As we all know, the past few years have not been good to insurance carriers.
Companies like AIG and The Hartford have taken TARP monies and have had to totally restructure themselves. In fact, AIG is now 21st Century, which is now owned by Farmer’s Insurance. Why is that? Because who in their right mind would purchase a policy from AIG today? Fact is, if you are insured by 21st Century, you are working with the same people.
How about the increase in the amount of claims that are being denied today? This is on the rise as well and not just the normal big name insurance companies that we always see on the TV. Even the smaller companies are starting to look for more and more reasons to see if they can get off of a claim or settle for less than what the client wants. The sad truth is that there is a bad story for every company out there.
All that being said, the number one consumer complaint regarding insurance companies is customer service. With today’s outsourced and out of touch methods, the days when you could actually get an honest answer from a good agent are slowing going away. With the likes of Geico, Progressive and many other companies going to an 800 number driven format, the need for an agent gets lost in the idea of saving untold riches. The truth be told, most insurance companies are relatively competitive with each other on their rates. Many times, 4 or 5 different companies will come back with rates very close to each other or exactly the same. The difference in what makes a company better is there customers service.
This why we expect our agents to be just that…Agents…someone you can talk to when you have questions about a claim situation. Someone who has your best interests in mind. Someone who won’t put you on hold for minutes on end. We encourage you that if you are in the market for insurance or know someone who is, consider using a broker/ independent agent like our agents at Integra Insurance. We want you to not only receive the best rates but also the best service.
We hope that everyone has a great holiday season and enjoys spending time with your family and friends.
Barb Stallings
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 at 10:55am MST
Excellent article and great info to the consumer ! But still need to realize how much better we have it in a capitalistic America where we still can CHOOSE our own insurance. =) Let’s keep it that way…